Sunday, June 16, 2013

6 Causes Bloated Stomach

  1. Chewing Gum
    The air you breathe while chewing gum can cause bloating. In order to stay slim stomach, make sure you do not chew gum all day.
  2. Alcohol
    Sugar and alcohol, particularly those contained in beer, can make your muscles loose. Of view of nutrition, alcohol is very harmful to the body. This is because alcohol is high in calories, the same ass the number of calories in fatty foods. Apart from that, when you drink alcohol, your liver will be working very hard to remove alcohol, and sugar to filter delay. The sugar will then be stored as body fat. In addition, alcohol can also increase appetite.
  3. Tobacco
    Tobacco can damage the bowels. If you smoke after eating, you will feel bloated afterwards. Stop smoking, and you will get more benefits than just weight loss.
  4. Stress
    Stress can affect the body and digestion. Stress can also make you feel full and cause problems in the body's ability to store fat. The result will look more your stomach expands. To overcome this, learn to be more relaxed and breathe slowly and deeply.
  5. Fast Food
    The amount of calories and fat in fast food is very high. The main issues that will be posed by the fast food is that the food is not very filling, so you will often feel hungry. You should limit your intake of fast food you eat and apply it once a month.
  6. Milk
    Although milk is important for health, balance diet with high amounts of calcium can cause digestive problems and make the belly bulge. If you like milk, yogurt or advisable to consume and cheese made from goat's milk.

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