Sunday, March 31, 2013

Syawalan Tradition in Pekalongan

Cutting Giant  Lopis
Syawalan tradition or a week after the feast of Idul Fitri in Pekalongan very unique. One famous tradition to outside areas are "Lopisan" or "Krapyakan" tradition.This tradition is carried out every year in the Krapyak area, northern Pekalongan. Residents flocked to see the giant Lopis grow in size each year. Lopis is usually cut by the mayor or the local leaders then distributed to visitors.

The origin of this tradition is as follow Syawalan, on the 8th of Shawwal Krapyak people spend a day feast after fasting six days, on this occasion, they make the show "open house" well received guest from outside the village and town. It is known by people outside Krapyak, so they also do not make a visit on 2 to 7 in the month of Shawwal, but in droves to visit on the 8th of Shawwal. Such is widespread, continued and even increased over time so that there Syawalan tradition.

Cutting lopis was first performed in 1965 by Rohmat who is head of the local area. Lopis is a food made of glutinous rice which has strong adhesive power when it is boiled and cooked. Lopis symbolizes the unity of Indonesia country. Lopis is wrapped in banana leaves, tied with mine and boiled for 4 days and 3 nights. Glutinous grains will not be scattered and will remain a single entity.

Making these lopis spent Rp. 3,500,000. The funds obtained from donors and local dues. Lopis also been in the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as the biggest lopis in Indonesia.

Cholesterol-Lowering Fruit

Fruit have many benefits for health. Humans can acquire an important substance in the body through the consumption of fruit. One is to lower cholesterol in the human body. Of the healthy fruit, there are seven or the most nutritious fruits in lowering cholesterol levels, namely:

  1. Lemon
    Lemon contain vitamin C, high calcium, and high pectin content so besides making fresh flavor can also lower cholesterol in the body.
  2. Grape
    The grapes have properties that can neutralize alkaline blood is too acidic. Excessive acid can be detrimental to health, so by consuming wine then fats accumulate and harden will be destroyed. Besides wine contains polyphenols, pectin, tannins, and vitamin C that works to deactivate viruses and tumors.
  3. Apple
    Apples have pectin content and carotene that have water-soluble fibers that can improve digestive muscles and help push food debris in drainage.
  4. Avocado
    Avocado fruit is a fruit that is much higher fat content than other fruit. However, the fat is unsaturated fat contained can lower serum cholesterol saturation.
  5. Guava
    Guava fruit contains vitamin C and pectin content is high to effective for lowering cholesterol that exist in our bodies.
  6. Strawberry
    Strawberry have a wealth of content as well as consume wheat. His role in lowering bad cholesterol levels has been recognized in a study.
  7. Blueberry
    This fruit  has Pterostilbene component that can stimulate a receptor protein present in cells that play an important role in lowering cholesterol and other body fats.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Origami is the Japanese traditional art of paper folding. Benefits of origami in addition to pleasure is to simulate creativity, train speed in performing motor hand movements, as well as train your memory. There are several different types of origami:
  1. Action Origami
    Origami is not only comprised of a stationary object, but no one could move. Usually origami movement aided by hand to make gestures such as flying, gliding, flapping, jumping, or open your mouth. Example of popular action origami is origami frog that can jump if the tip back on tap, airplanes or secret ninja weapon that could fly if thrown.
  2. Modular Origami
    Modular origami sometimes also called the 3D origami. Origami modular is origami that composed of several folds of paper the same shape. Usually a simple form module folds, but to compile a particular object is usually quite difficult.
  3. Wet-Folding Origami
    Wet-folding origami is the art of paper folding in which the paper use moistened or wetted. Once the form is completed origami and then allowed to dry. A moist paper more easily shaped by the geometry of the more flexible than dry paper. Skills origami artists do not just fold the wet but also objects like curves and bulges.
  4. Pureland Origami
    Pureland origami is a type of art of paper folding with the stricter rules may only use direct crease. Type origami was developed by the British artist named John Smith in the 1970s to help people  learn origami or have physical limitations motor.
  5. Tesselations Origami
    Tesselation is an art form arrangement of tiles on a two-dimensional plane to form a uniform field. Tesselations origami is an art form tile layout using paper that is folded in such a way as to produce a uniform field.
  6. Kirigami
    In the traditional art of origami are not known kirigami, kirigami own new term known in the 20th century. Kirigami is the art of folding and cutting paper to create art motorcycle. Some people enter as part of the Kirigami Origami because of the similarity of the element name and the art of paper folding.

Batik Museum, Pekalongan

This museum houses a variety of motifs designs batik from various regions center of batik in Pekalongan. Located at Jetayu street. The visitors can see a collection of batik from time to time. Of this batik museum we will get a lot of information about the development of batik Indonesia, starting from the time of Dutch rule, until the Japanese influence on the development of motifs and designs batik during the period of Second World War.

Museum Batik Pekalongan also collected a number batik craft of outside Java, especially Batik Sumatera is heavily influenced by the Islamic culture, it is apparent from the motif that resembles the development of the art of calligraphy. Here we can also see a collection of antique batik that has been outstanding for more than one hundred years. We can find a collection of encim sarong worn by women of Chinese descent in Indonesia at the time. And much more interesting collection of batik in Pekalongan batik museum.

Buildings used as Indonesian Batik Museum is formerly the Pekalongan City Hall building, which has stood since the period of Dutch rule. Then the building was refurbished to serve as Indonesian Batik Museum, and designated as a historic landmark. In the building we will find some space with the construction of the doors and windows, it is increasingly making the historical feel of the more viscous.

Pekalongan Batik Museum's location is easily accessible to be some means of transportation. And why Indonesian Batik Museum is located in Pekalongan, among other reasons, in addition is a city famous producing batik. Batik Pekalongan is also said to describe a form of assimilation cultural wisdom that consists of diverse ethnicities such as: Java, Native, Arab, Chinese, and Dutch cultural heritage.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Similarly Nabawi Mosque, Medina

Al-Fairuz mosque is mosques were built similar to Nabawi mosque in Medina. The mosque is located in Baros, East Pekalongan, Central Java, with the position of the edge of the coast line, which is often crossed the travellers and users of the road between the cities in northern coast of Java. Looking majestic, like the Nabawi mosque, Al-Fairuz mosques became places of worship of road users as well as to rest when tired on the way.

Desire mosque design like this started when H. Abdullah Machrus, who is Al-Fairuz chairman foundation, visit the Nabawi mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Looking the domes, towers and atmosphere Nabawi mosque, it wanted to bring into the country. He returned again to the Nabawi mosque while inviting the architect and the contractor appointed to build this mosque of Al-Fairuz. As a result, the mosque with its towers  and domes similar to the Nabawi mosque architecture.

Al-Fairuz mosque also have a place ablution and toilet on the ground floor, in this case under the parking area. The existence of toilets and ablution in the basement meant to preserve user privacy mosque, while keeping in mosque.

Batik Indonesia

Indonesia is a country that has a batik motif regions in the world, it is based on a great variety of batik in each region in Indonesia, such as batik Solo, batik Jogja, batik Pekalongan, batik Kalimantan, and others. In this article I will discuss about batik Pekalongan.
  1. History of batik Pekalongan
    History of batik Pekalongan is almost same as batik Solo and batik Jogja, which comes from the palace. Batik Pekalongan is the result of people who were displaced from the Mataram palace to Pekalongan because of the Mataram palace disunity. The disunity was caused by the Dutch who colonized Indonesia. Some areas in Pekalongan are growing rapidly that is in the Buaran, Wonopringgo, and Pekajangan. At first the process of making batik is using the manual method that is drawn and written by hand and use natural dyes. This lasted until the 20s century. With changing times it has become a popular batik using tools and chemicals to make batik cloth.
  2. Characteristic of batik Pekalongan
    Actually, patterns and motif of batik Pekalongan is similiar with batik Solo and batik Jogja. The difference is the color of batik Solo and batik Jogja dominant with white and brown. Meanwhile, batik Pekalongan prefer combining several elements of color. The combination of multiple colors which made batik Pekalongan look dinamic and modern. This is which causes batik Pekalongan quite famous among the other batik.
Batik Pekalongan is one that has been famous in the world, it is proved batik Pekalongan been exported to many overseas countries, from the asia, australia, europe, to america. This fact proves that Indonesia can compete on an international level.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons are chemicals consisting of a combination of three organic compounds, ie carbon, chlorine, floor. He often used for aerosol cans, aluminum trays that resemble hamburger, refrigerator, and similar items that it can destroy life on earth.
CFCs is becoming obsolete in recent years as shown to cause damage to vital ozone layer by attacking the stratosphere.

If you are looking for items based CFCs today is rather difficult. He had long passed from human life. Such materials are prohibited to use in most industrialized countries since the treaty in mid-1990. The policy followed by the developing countries, including Indonesia.

CFCs is a chemical that breaks down tough and long-lived. As with plastic, they remain around us and continue to exacerbate the atmosphere. In most products, CFCs have been replaced by the position of HCFC, CFCs are also similar substances made of water. Also known as the freon.

But the good news, the situation today is much better. International scientific body composed of approximately 300 senior scientists, Scientific Assessment of Ozone depletion, reported for the first time in the fall of this year CFC12 content decreases in the ozone layer.

The report emphasized that most of the ozone layer in the earth will return to normal by mid-century, circa 2050. Except, the open hole in the Antarctic. It's not impossible, but it's hard to go back to normal because it takes a longer time.

The good news is not only good for human health, but also resistance on the issue of global warming. As the winds of heaven in the middle of the international climate negotiations deadlock.

Ozone, a bluish-colored substance and form of oxygen, has a fragile defense. Oddly, though not strong it works really effectively. Dispersed throughout the earth 21 miles below the stratosphere, ozone protects all life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation delivered sun.


Erosion is an event soil erosion, sediment, rock, and other particle, due to wind, water or ice and rain characteristic. Erosion is distinguished by the type of energy that is: water erosion, wind erosion (deflation), ocean wave erosion (abrasion / erosion marin), glacier erosion (glacial). The process of erosion by flowing water occurs in four different levels according to soil degradation or erosion of rock, as follows:

  1. Splash erosion, the process of erosion by rain that falls to earth
  2. Sheet erosion, which is the uppermost layer of soil erosion that reduced fertility. Sheet erosion is characterized by: brown, the color of the water that eroded become paler; reduced soil fertility
  3. Gully erosion, is a continuation of sheet erosion. Characteristic erosion gully is a deep furrows in the soil as the water flow
  4. Erosion ditches, trenches are formed due to erosion or stream valley. If erosion continues trench, then the area of ​​degraded land can be expanded, and at this level already broken ground. 

Some of the landscape due to erosion, among others:
  1. Erosion by water can result in:
    - Increasing the river bank
    - The steep valley
    - Formation of caves
    - Increase the water bodies
  2. Wind erosion generally occurs in the desert. Shape the earth's surface is formed as follows:
    - Mushroom Rock
    - canyon
  3. Abrasion usually occurs on the coast, forming:
    - Wall of the steep coast
    - Recesses (grooves on the wall of the cliff)
    - Caves beach
    - Stone screen

Forest Fire

Forest fires are one of the causes of deforestation and are great and are very harmful. Repair damage caused by forest fires take a long time, even more so to put it into the woods again. Therefore, we need to consider several things that can cause a forest fire like this:
  1. Noting forest areas with hotspot is quite high, especially peatlands in the summer and a prolonged drought.
  2. Allowed to open fields or farmland by burning forests.
  3. Prohibited scar burning campfire in the woods.
  4. Not making charcoal in the forest.
  5. Do not carelessly discard cigarette butts in the forest.

Here are some things that can be done to address the possibility or occurrence of forest fires.
  1. Creating a high tower observer following telecommunications equipment.
  2. Forest roving patrol regularly to address the possibility of fire.
  3. Provide fire truck transportation system is ready for use.
  4. The shooting images at regular intervals, especially in the dry season to monitor the forest fire moved at a high enough point that is prone to fires.

When a forest fire then how to do to make extinguishing forest fires are as follows.
  1. Spraying water directly if small-scale forest fires.
  2. If the fire of widespread and large-scale fire, we can localize the fire by burning the area around the fire and directing fire into the center of the combustion, which generally starts from blocking the fire areas such as rivers, lakes, roads, and hilltops.
  3. Spraying water evenly from the air by helicopter or aircraft.
  4. Disposing of artificial rain.

Land Degradation

Land degradation is a decline in the quality and quantity of the land. generally caused by natural processes and by human activities. Barrow (1991) in greater detail said that the main factors causing land degradation are:
  1. Natural Hazards
  2. Changes in the human population
  3. Marginalization of land
  4. Poverty
  5. Status of land ownership
  6. Political instability and administrative issues
  7. Socio-economic conditions
  8. Health Issues
  9. Improper agricultural practices, and
  10. Mining and industrial activity.
Land degradation caused by 3 (three) aspects, namely the physical aspect. chemistry and biology. Physical degradation consists of compaction, scaling, water imbalance, obstruction of aeration, runoff, and erosion. Chemical degradation consists of acidification, nutrient depletion, leaching, nutrient imbalances and toxicity, salinization, and alkalinization. While the biological degradation include reduced soil organic carbon, soil biodiversity decline, biomass and carbon reduction.

Waste Problem

Waste or garbage can be interpreted as dirt or human result of processing plants that contain chemicals such as waste and can cause pollution and disturb the health. In general, most people say that waste is waste that is totally useless and should be thrown away, but if the disposal is done continuously it will cause a buildup of trash. Waste is not something that should be thrown away needlessly, because of the processing and utilization of waste properly would be more useful stuff than ever.

Waste will be something very similar to what is useful and has a high sales value at the time the waste is properly treated. Untreated waste will lead to other kind of pollution of air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and other pollution will become disease. In the landfills can be sure the surrounding air with the smell of the unhealthy odor from waste water sources around the environment will be polluted with sewage and soil infiltration in the environment will be contaminated with chemical waste and the land will be barren.

From the definition of the existing waste, the waste is classified into two kinds of waste that is organic waste and inorganic waste. Here's the explanation:

  1. Organic WasteOrganic waste includes waste that is easy on the kind described the materials form the particles are good for the environment. Organic waste can include household waste, industrial waste that does not use chemicals such as vegetable bins and rubbish bins equipment natural or livestock. Organic waste from household not only with regard to the waste in the form of refined living beings alone but as long afford any waste processed into objects that more useful and can be described is organic waste.
  2. Inorganic Waste
    Inorganic waste is waste that comes from plant waste and companies engaged in the mining sector. Natural resources are not able to be broken down into particles useful this is what inorganic waste. Inorganic industrial wastes no words can describe it would be harmful to the health and become useless junk for humans and the environment. Household waste in the form of former objects such as plastic, tin cans, bottles and other equipment are also said to be the inorganic waste as the waste is not capable described.


Pollution or environmental pollution is the inclusion or inclusion of a living creature, energy substances, and or other components into the environment or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes so that environmental quality decreases to a certain level that causes the environment to be less or may not work anymore as intended.

Pollution may arise as a result of human activities or due to natural (eg. volcanic eruption, toxic gases). Environmental science usually discuss pollution caused by human activities, which can be prevented and controlled.

Due to human activities, environmental pollution is inevitable. Environmental pollution can not be avoided. What you can do is to reduce pollution, pollution control, and increasing public awareness and concern for the environment so as not to pollute the environment.

Substances or materials that could cause pollution called pollutants. The terms of a substance called a pollutant if its existence could cause harm to a living creature. For example, the carbon dioxide content of 0.033% in air beneficial for the plant, but if it is higher than 0.033% can give damaging effects.

A substance can be called a pollutant if:
1. Excess of the normal.
2. Being on time is not right.
3. Being in the wrong place.

The nature of pollutants are:
  1. Damaging for a while, but when it reacts with another substance does not damage the environment.
  2. Damaging in a long time. For example, Pb does not damage when low concentrations. However, in the long term, Pb can accumulate in the body until the level destructive.

Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Effect is a process of heating the surface of an object that is in the heavens is going on and due to the composition and state of the circumference of the atmosphere, for example, is the planets, artificial satellites Indonesia sky and so the flying through the sky, bringing together . we can share this moment how the earth has become painfully hot as hell, and also resulted in exogenous and endogenous energy on earth.

Causes of the Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse effect occurs because of the increased concentration of carbon dioxide gas, chemical code (CO2) and other types of gases in the atmosphere. the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the form of gas is not another is because of the increase occurred in burning different types of fuel oil on earth, coal or other organic fuels that are beyond the ability of a plant and sea water in order to absorb it.
The percentage of energy that can go into the earth?
25 percent reflected from clouds or other particles in the atmosphere
25 percent absorbed by clouds
45 percent absorbed by the surface of the earth
5 percent again reflected back from the surface of the earth

The energy that has been absorbed and the reflected back into the form of infrared radiation called the cloud and the earth's surface. but most of the infrared radiation emitted by the earth is suspended by clouds and gases CO2 and other gases, to be refunded back to the earth surface. nah In normal circumstances it is necessary, with the greenhouse effect the temperature differences that occur between the day and at night it would not be too significant happens in other words, is not so extreme.
Besides CO2 gases, which can cause the greenhouse effect are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and there are a few more organic compounds such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). These other gases also plays a very important role in terms of increasing the productivity of a greenhouse effect.

As a result of the Greenhouse Effect

According to wikipedia: Rising temperatures that occur on the surface of the Earth will occur may result in a change in the weather (climate) is very powerful on the earth's surface. It can only lead to disruption of forest ecosystems and their will be disturbed, so that it can reduce the composition of its ability to help absorb carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. Global warming is what will lead to the melting of the mountain - the mountain of ice contained in the northern polar region, etc., which can also lead to rising sea levels. The greenhouse effect will also be increased so that the temperature of the sea water sea water expands and sea level rise occurred which resulted in the island nation will have a huge influence.

According to the simulation calculations, the effect of the greenhouse has raised the Earth's average temperature 1-5 ° C. If the trend of increasing greenhouse gases remain as it will lead to an increase in global warming between 1.5 to 4.5 ° C around the year 2030. With increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the more heat waves reflected from the Earth's surface is absorbed the atmosphere. This will result in earth's surface temperature to rise.


Reforestation (GO GREEN) are replanting forests felled (barren, barren). Reforestation is useful for improving the quality of human life by soaking up pollution and dust from the air, rebuild natural habitats and ecosystems, mitigate global warming by capturing carbon dioxide from the air, and used the results (especially wood).

The Causes Why Must Do Reforestation:
  1. Preserving natural resources
    The element of a real system biophysical environment and potentially to meet human needs in order to survive. So the act of exploitation shall be accompanied by the norms of the use and conservation of natural resources.
  2. Environmental Pollution
    Pollution of the environment should be a serious concern at this time, increased industrial activities such as mining has been widely disrupt the ecosystem alive. Therefore we have to do reforestation (go green).
  3. To improve and Conserve Natural Resources
  4. To preserve forests and prevent flooding

How to Conduct Reforestation

Processing of natural resources includes several integrated efforts and gradual. This effort is referred to as a concerted effort by the administration of the several activities undertaken jointly namely reforestation. Here are ways reforestation:
  1. Utilization of the
  2. Environmental control
  3. Environmental controls
  4. Recovery activities
  5. And environmental development activities
After all that is done, then we do reforestation or what we call the tree planting (GO GREEN).

Benefits of Reforestation
  1. Preventing natural balance
  2. Prevent flooding
  3. Prevent global warming

Developments in Environmental Afforestation Around

So far what we see around us, so many have to plant trees, such as in schools or anywhere else. Efforts to preserve the environment from the effects of the impact of development is one of the businesses that need to run. Processing environment can prevent damage to the environment caused by the construction of the project. Processing of keeping ecosystems by preventing the ongoing development, because development is necessary to improve the quality of human life. So, the important thing here is to build a knowledge based environment rather than building an economy based on knowledge alone only. According to the impact on the expected will happen, then specify how management will be done for the right purpose. The technology will be used, is determined based on the principle of effective, efficient and cheap costs that may be incurred from the project without having to suffer the loss. The purpose of the administration of the population here is mainly to prevent deterioration of natural resources are managed and natural resources around it and preventing the pollution of waste / hazardous pollutants. Therefore from now on let us take care of the environment in this way increase the planting of trees (GO GREEN).

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Conservation consists of the word con (together) and servare (keep / save) that has an understanding of the effort to maintain what we have (keep / save what you have), but it is wise (wise use). This idea was put forward by Theodore Roosevelt (1902) who was the first American to put forward the concept of conservation.

Meanwhile, according to Rijksen (1981), conservation is a form of cultural evolution which at first, conservation is worse than at present. Conservation can also be seen in terms of economy and ecology where conservation in economic terms means trying to allocate resources for now, while in terms of ecology, conservation is the allocation of resources for now and the future.
When referring to the understanding, conservation defined in some limits, as follows:

  • Conservation is the use of natural resources to meet human needs in large numbers in a long time (American Dictionary).
  • Conservation is a natural resource allocation over time (generations) the socially optimal (Randall, 1982).
  • Conservation is the management of air, water, soil, minerals, all living organisms including humans so as to achieve an improved quality of human life, including the management activities are surveys, research, administration, preservation, education, utilization and training (IUCN, 1968).
  • Conservation is the management of human use of the biosphere so that it can deliver or meet the great benefits and can be renewed for generations to come (WCS, 1980).

Illegal Logging

Illegal logging and the international trade in illegally logged timber is a major problem for many timber-producing countries. Illegal logging degrades forests, costs governments billions of dollars, promotes corruption, and funds armed conflict. It impedes sustainable development in some of the poorest countries of the world.

Global Witness's first campaign looked at how ‘conflict timber’ was funding the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Our investigations led to the Thai-Cambodia border being closed, and ultimately helped bring about the demise of the genocidal regime. We also helped to cut off funds from the illegal timber industry to Charles Taylor, who was using them to pay for his war in Liberia. Later investigations led to the closure of the China-Burma border to timber traffic in 2006.

Global Witness is continuing to investigate and expose illegal logging and corruption in the forest sector. Our work in countries including Madagascar and Liberia involves coordinating with local civil society to monitor and expose illegal activities and unsustainable trade.

One way to tackle illegal logging is for consumer countries to crack down on the trade. Recently, some countries have taken positive steps to reduce demand. Most notably, the US Lacey Act was amended in 2008 to make the import or trade in illegally produced timber a criminal offence in the US. Though not as strict as the US law, the EU also recently passed its own legislation, requiring the initial importer to the EU to prove the timber’s legality.

Comparable legal measures are urgently needed in all significant consumer countries – particularly Japan and China – to ensure a consistent international approach to the problem of the trade in illegal timber.

Global Warming

Global warming is causing drastic effects on our planet. According to the scientific community, the climate of the earth is changing rapidly. Over the last century, the earth has become hotter by 1 degree F, and it is projected that it will continue to do so, even more quickly, in the next few decades. The reason being, the atmosphere being polluted by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, most of it from industrial activity, the burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation. In fact, according to climate researchers, most of this global warming that has occurred over the past 50 years is due to the consequences of human activity.

Consequences on Human Life and the Environment

It goes without saying that the phenomenon of global warming is highly complex, and therefore difficult to predict what exactly the full-scale consequences on human life and the environment will be. However, with each passing year scientists are learning more and more about how climatic changes is impacting the Earth, and many of them now agree that if there is a continuation of the current trends, then some of the effects of global warming will be:

Changes in Climatic Conditions

There will be an increase in the average temperatures all over the world, leading to more frequent heat waves. This will lead to drought-like conditions, increasing the chances of forest fires that are larger in scale, more intense, and harder to put out. Rising temperatures can also affect the climatic system of a region by increasing the energy of storm conditions, resulting in more severe rainfalls. Likewise, when the waters in the oceans heat up, it increases the energy of tropical storms, resulting in hurricanes that are more powerful and destructive. 

Reduction of Agricultural Productivity

It is said that if the global warming continues at its current rate, the resulting increase in the temperature will lead to a drastic reduction in agricultural productivity, especially in northern continental regions. It is projected that the soil in these areas will be drier in the summer, partly because of the snow melting earlier in the spring, and more cloudless and hotter summers, which will in turn result in the moisture in the soil evaporating extensively, causing severe droughts. This will be further exacerbated by water levels in rivers and lakes falling because of less rainfall. 

Inundation of Coastal Areas and Low-Lying Regions due to Rising Sea Levels

There is evidence that the sea levels are already rising, and this phenomenon is likely to increase because of glaciers melting in the mountains and the ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic regions melting. This will have an impact on coastal areas that are low-lying like the estuaries of Chesapeake Bay and along the Gulf of Mexico. According to a report that the United Nations published, if global warming continues, the coastal areas of the Netherlands and Bangladesh will be flooded by 2100. Plus, it is also said that Maldives will disappear completely, which can happen by the sea level rising just by two feet. 

The Disruption of Ecosystems

It is expected the global warming will cause extensive disruptions in ecosystems, with the consequential loss of a number of species, particularly those that are unable to adapt to the changes. According to some assessments, it is predicted that by the year 2050 about a million species will be extinct, if the current rates continues. Some of the ecosystems that are most vulnerable are alpine meadows found in the Rocky Mountains, the delicate ecosystem of the Himalayan ranges, mangrove forests in coastal areas, coral reefs, and so on.

Effects on Health

Global warming will lead to heat waves occurring more intensively and more frequently, resulting heat-related health effects and deaths. These effects may also exacerbate problems caused by poor air quality in various regions, which are already affecting people around the world. It is also projected that the virulence and wider range of tropical diseases will also increase due to global warming. 

Dealing with Global Warming

Dealing with and mitigating the adverse effects of global warming is not going to be an easy task. Ultimately, we will have to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide dramatically if we want to protect the planet, the economy, as well as our health. 

In order to accomplish this, we will have to find the will to make fundamental changes to the way our global economy is powered, switching from using fossil fuels to renewable and more efficient sources of energy.