Thursday, March 28, 2013

Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Effect is a process of heating the surface of an object that is in the heavens is going on and due to the composition and state of the circumference of the atmosphere, for example, is the planets, artificial satellites Indonesia sky and so the flying through the sky, bringing together . we can share this moment how the earth has become painfully hot as hell, and also resulted in exogenous and endogenous energy on earth.

Causes of the Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse effect occurs because of the increased concentration of carbon dioxide gas, chemical code (CO2) and other types of gases in the atmosphere. the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the form of gas is not another is because of the increase occurred in burning different types of fuel oil on earth, coal or other organic fuels that are beyond the ability of a plant and sea water in order to absorb it.
The percentage of energy that can go into the earth?
25 percent reflected from clouds or other particles in the atmosphere
25 percent absorbed by clouds
45 percent absorbed by the surface of the earth
5 percent again reflected back from the surface of the earth

The energy that has been absorbed and the reflected back into the form of infrared radiation called the cloud and the earth's surface. but most of the infrared radiation emitted by the earth is suspended by clouds and gases CO2 and other gases, to be refunded back to the earth surface. nah In normal circumstances it is necessary, with the greenhouse effect the temperature differences that occur between the day and at night it would not be too significant happens in other words, is not so extreme.
Besides CO2 gases, which can cause the greenhouse effect are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and there are a few more organic compounds such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). These other gases also plays a very important role in terms of increasing the productivity of a greenhouse effect.

As a result of the Greenhouse Effect

According to wikipedia: Rising temperatures that occur on the surface of the Earth will occur may result in a change in the weather (climate) is very powerful on the earth's surface. It can only lead to disruption of forest ecosystems and their will be disturbed, so that it can reduce the composition of its ability to help absorb carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. Global warming is what will lead to the melting of the mountain - the mountain of ice contained in the northern polar region, etc., which can also lead to rising sea levels. The greenhouse effect will also be increased so that the temperature of the sea water sea water expands and sea level rise occurred which resulted in the island nation will have a huge influence.

According to the simulation calculations, the effect of the greenhouse has raised the Earth's average temperature 1-5 ° C. If the trend of increasing greenhouse gases remain as it will lead to an increase in global warming between 1.5 to 4.5 ° C around the year 2030. With increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the more heat waves reflected from the Earth's surface is absorbed the atmosphere. This will result in earth's surface temperature to rise.

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