Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Conservation consists of the word con (together) and servare (keep / save) that has an understanding of the effort to maintain what we have (keep / save what you have), but it is wise (wise use). This idea was put forward by Theodore Roosevelt (1902) who was the first American to put forward the concept of conservation.

Meanwhile, according to Rijksen (1981), conservation is a form of cultural evolution which at first, conservation is worse than at present. Conservation can also be seen in terms of economy and ecology where conservation in economic terms means trying to allocate resources for now, while in terms of ecology, conservation is the allocation of resources for now and the future.
When referring to the understanding, conservation defined in some limits, as follows:

  • Conservation is the use of natural resources to meet human needs in large numbers in a long time (American Dictionary).
  • Conservation is a natural resource allocation over time (generations) the socially optimal (Randall, 1982).
  • Conservation is the management of air, water, soil, minerals, all living organisms including humans so as to achieve an improved quality of human life, including the management activities are surveys, research, administration, preservation, education, utilization and training (IUCN, 1968).
  • Conservation is the management of human use of the biosphere so that it can deliver or meet the great benefits and can be renewed for generations to come (WCS, 1980).

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