Sunday, March 31, 2013

Syawalan Tradition in Pekalongan

Cutting Giant  Lopis
Syawalan tradition or a week after the feast of Idul Fitri in Pekalongan very unique. One famous tradition to outside areas are "Lopisan" or "Krapyakan" tradition.This tradition is carried out every year in the Krapyak area, northern Pekalongan. Residents flocked to see the giant Lopis grow in size each year. Lopis is usually cut by the mayor or the local leaders then distributed to visitors.

The origin of this tradition is as follow Syawalan, on the 8th of Shawwal Krapyak people spend a day feast after fasting six days, on this occasion, they make the show "open house" well received guest from outside the village and town. It is known by people outside Krapyak, so they also do not make a visit on 2 to 7 in the month of Shawwal, but in droves to visit on the 8th of Shawwal. Such is widespread, continued and even increased over time so that there Syawalan tradition.

Cutting lopis was first performed in 1965 by Rohmat who is head of the local area. Lopis is a food made of glutinous rice which has strong adhesive power when it is boiled and cooked. Lopis symbolizes the unity of Indonesia country. Lopis is wrapped in banana leaves, tied with mine and boiled for 4 days and 3 nights. Glutinous grains will not be scattered and will remain a single entity.

Making these lopis spent Rp. 3,500,000. The funds obtained from donors and local dues. Lopis also been in the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as the biggest lopis in Indonesia.

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