Monday, April 1, 2013

How To Keep The Friendship

Friendship is one of the needs of human as a social being. Friendship just happens without any agreement. Friendship is an emotional attachment, bonding the heart, not formality on paper. Everyone must hope that the friendship had continued till whenever.

There are some tips for keep a friendly relationship:
  1. Be a good listener
    Do not ever be patronizing and ignore what your friend was talking about.
  2. Do not ever feel jealous
    Happiness of your friend is our happiness too. Come blessed when your friends got success.
  3. Be open and honest
    We have to fill our friendship with honesty and openness. Be yourself, do not be an other figure.
  4. Give and receive
    In a friendship we must give and received. Unnecessary valuables, presence in times of need is also a priceless gift.
  5. Do not prove that he is wrong in public
    There is no point to prove your friends wrong in front of others, it will damage the image of your friend in the other views and your friendship will be in danger.
  6. Guard the trust given by your friend
    Do not ever divulge the secrets of friend in others.
  7. Do not hesitate to apologize
    Immediately apologize when we make a mistake and try to correct the mistake. And vice versa give pardon and forget the mistakes of friends when he make mistake.

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