Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reading Personality Of Handwriting

How the shape of the letters and words you write can tell how the personality traits that you have, this is known as graphology. Graphology is the study itself regarding handwriting. To read the personality and character of a person with a more effective, subject suggested using paper continued writing even if she uses a paper document. Here's how to read a person's personality from handwriting.

How to Work
When analyzing a person's personality based on his handwriting, first you have to look at the style of writing in general, similar to the picture. After that, categorize based on the characters that look.
Similarly, the human characters are unique to each person, the writing also of course has its own uniqueness. The next stage is to determine the emotional level that is in the text. For example when someone writes the word "black", how much pressure whether given to the writing and so on.

Authors are writing using force or emphasis usually have vitality and emotional experiences that last a long time. While the emphasis is normal, has a vitality and emotional experience standards (enough for 1 day). If the emphasis is weak, then that person will use their energy to a minimum and try to avoid situations that require power.

Grade Level
Cut To The Right
This signifies that the person handles a situation with the influence of emotion. They also open and like to socialize with the people around him.
Cut To The Left
People with a writing style that tilted to the left likes to keep their e
motions in all situations, and they are often seen as being cold and indifferent to its surroundings. But if the writing style is to write with the right hand, then that means the person has a rebellious nature
Do Not Cut
If a person's writing style is not skewed at all, it means they are using their logic than emotion in dealing with a situation. But they still have a high emotional reaction to the environment around them.

Space Between Words

Size Small Spaces
Shows that you are a person with a high communication desire and not afraid to show it physically.
Size Large Spaces
If the size of the spacing between words big enough then it indicates that you are a person who needs their own space in communication and do not want to get too close to people.
Text Size
Individuals have a friendly personality and see themselves as people with strong personalities. They usually can not focus on one thing for too long and looks to do much work at one time.
Have a high level of concentration and attention to detail is very small. But usually they are more shy and introverted in his personality, which they see themselves as people with a shy personality.
A person who easily adapt to any situation as a flexible personality. The concentration levels can be distracted easily.

Text Direction
If ascending then show that you are a positive, enthusiastic and keen. Meanwhile, if declining, showing that you are a pessimist.
Sometimes, you may have noticed that a person's writing style sometimes ascending or decreased. This suggests that the mood is fickle. But it has a little wave at the beginning of the writing is amazing, and shows emotions balanced.
Someone who writes straight indicates that the person has a high level of self-control, reliable and secure emotional level.

Capital Letters
Capital Letters With Much Different Sizes With Small Letters
Indicates that the person is a person with high confidence, the more different size, the higher the level of confidence they have. Even in some cases, the level of confidence that can be said to be arrogant.
Capital Letters With The Same Size Small Letters
indicates the person is honest and humble person with a level of confidence for granted, but when compared to others can look more in the direction of shy.

Circle In Small Letters L
People who have this love of writing style reining themselves in expressing themselves. This indicates that they like to see and assess the situation before expressing themselves.
Circle In Big Letters L
Was the spontaneous and casual, easy look to express themselves.
Circle In Small Letters E
Usually people with a small circle on the letter E will be suspicious and not be influenced in a relevant argument or based on emotion.
Circle In Big Letters E
Thin indicates they are very open and love to enjoy new things in they lives.

Letter-Writing Style S
Looks Round
This shows that people would rather avoid conflict, compromise and try to love like the people around him.
Sharp To Top
Intellectual and love to learn new thing. The higher the letter sharp s and possessed, the more shows how ambitious the person.
Circle That Has Clearly Seen Below
People who have the letter S clearly visible circle below shows the people rarely follow their own desires, where they act as thee situation at hand.

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