Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ONDEL-ONDEL: Typical Betawi Art

Ondel-ondel is a form of folk art performances Betawi are often displayed in people's parties. Ondel-ondel itself seems to portray her ancestor who always keep their grandchildren or a resident of a village. Ondel-ondel is a large doll with a height of appoximately 2.5 meters and a diameter of about 80 cm, made of woven bamboo that is formed in such a way that it easily borne from it.

Form part of the face mask, with a head of hair made from palm fiber. Face men's ondel-ondel usually painted in red, while white women. Forms show many similarities to those in several other areas. In Pasundan known as Badawang, in Central Java as Barong Landung. According to estimates by type of performance it had been there since before the spread of Islam in Java.

Originally ondel-ondel serves as a repellent reinforcements or interruption spirit who haunts. Ondel-ondel now commonly used to add a festive folk festivals or for welcoming distinguished guests. No matter how swift currents of modernization, ondel-ondel still survive and become trimmer face of metropolitan Jakarta.

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