Monday, April 1, 2013

The Importance Of Breakfast

Not many people realize it but the breakfast is one of the secrets to staying healthy. Breakfast gives you energy to move throughout the day. In fact, besides giving energy to the body, the breakfast also has other benefits that are not less important.

Here are some of the benefits of breakfast:
  1. Breakfast can meet the required nutrients
    Delaying breakfast makes you hard getting nutrition and vitamins are recommended. The breakfast menu such as cereal with milk or low-fat yogurt plus granola will provide enough calcium and fiber.
  2. Breakfast could lose weight
    When you move an empty stomach, your body will burn calories slower. According to nutrition expert author of The F-Factor Diet Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, breakfast after a night on empty stomach an increase your metabolism, which means burning calories throughout the day to be more efficient. But Zuckerbrot stressed that the key of all is the kind of food you consume. Food with simple carbohydrates such as donuts will make glucose soar, than fall dramatically. It also causes you to feel hungry at 11-s
    A better way is consume complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal or whole-grain bread. Food with high fiber content and low sugar are digested slowly, providing constant energy and makes no hungry faster.
  3. Breakfast boost brainpower
    Research experts from the University of Wales Swansia proved that students always have breakfast an average score of 22 percent higher than those who skipped breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, most of energy - in the form of glucose and glycogen - had run out the previous daily activity. According to experts, glucose is the only fuel the brain. Without enough glucose, yo feel tired and dizzy.
  4. Protection against heart diseaseResearch shows that healthy women who skipped breakfast for two weeks have bad LDL cholesterol levels higher than those who ate a bowl of cereal plus milk in the morning. Zuckerbrot explains, fiber can bind cholesterol and accelerate excretion before it reaches the arteries. Hence also, the 10-year Hardvard Nurses Health conclude that high fiber intake associated with lower risk of heart disease by up to 50 percent.

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