Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Sintren is a traditional art Pekalongan and surrounding communities, is a mystical dance/magic that comes from love story Sulasih and Raden Sulandono. Sintren played by a young girl who is still sacred. Sintren begins with the songs that draw the attention of the audience which song "Kukus Gunung". A prospective Sintren wearing regular clothes, then put in a cage in a bound state. Once the girl was in the cage, while the incense burned in steady song singer "Yu Sintren" the purpose calling outside forces. Once the cage is opened, looking figure dressed in angel complete with greatness sunglasses. With the angel's graceful waddle follow the rhythm of the gamelan rhythms played by the drummer.

In the development of Sintren as an entertainment culture, then equipped premises companion dancer and Bodor (comedy). In the game of folk art was influential goddess among others in the game Sintren, the handler (puppeteer) are invited to enter into the spirit of the Dewi Lanjar in the game Sintren. When the spirit of Dewi Lanjar successfully invited, then the dancers Sintren will look more beautiful and bring more nimble and dazzling dance.

In earlier times Sintren event is used for entertainment and communication arena the young couple to find a mate, but it also used as an art mediation for rain. Currently Sintren still often performed in the days of national greatness and to welcome official guests.

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