Saturday, April 13, 2013

Diet Makes A Long Life

Changing diet can be a difficult challenge, but with some basic guidelines you can easily make a healthy diet as your daily lifestyle. One of benefits implementing a healthy diet is to prevent from dangerous disease with age, so you can have more time hanging out with family. Many people assume that implementing a healthy diet is a tough job, but that opinion could change if you follow these few simple tips:

  1. Don't Skip Breakfast
    Many people skip breakfast, because there is indeed no time for breakfast, there is also a feeling not hungry when they wake up. Some people believe if it is not breakfast can help you lose weight. In fact the opposite happened.
    If not breakfast, the body will lack fuel for activities during the day. As a result, you feel full redundant and will spend large amounts of food at lunch. Even worse with high-calorie snack foods such as biscuits, cake, or bread that can make you gain weight.
  2. Increase Consumption of Fresh Vegetables
    Choose a variety of colorful vegetables each day. For each different color vegetables, nutrients were also different. Variety of vegetables that can be incorporated into the diet such as carrot, sweet potatoes, peppers and leafy green vegetables such as cabbage and mustard greens. Besides rich in fiber to aid digestion, vitamin and vegetables provide a variety of essential minerals to boost your immune system.
  3. Consumption of Healthy Fats
    Some types of fats are actually good for you. However, should the proper portions. Olive oil and avocados provide good fats and good for the heart. Fish also provide this benefit. The difference, of fish contain more vitamins and minerals that are good for you.
  4. Reduce to Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened
    All people like sweet foods. Unfortunately, more losses than benefits provided by sugary foods. Limit yourself from high sugared foods. In addition to lead to obesity, sugary foods can also cause spikes in blood sugar that can lead to diabetes.
  5. Eat 5-6 Times A Day
    Eating more often is 3 main meals and 2-3 healthy snacks in between meals, is the best way to boost your metabolism. Choose snacks that are high in protein, low in fat, high protein and low sugar content. Non-fat yogurt and nuts are a great light meal to beat hunger while providing satisfaction.

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