Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Various Ways to Treat Insect Bites

  1. Bees - The first action to do when stung by a bee sting is to immediately pull out, which will minimize the shock strength. If you experience allergic reactions such as swelling, then went to the doctor as soon as possible. Extreme cases can cause severe problems breathing difficulties, if it happens immediately call an ambulance.
  2. Mosquitoes - Although annoying, mosquito bites usually do not cause serious problems (except for dengue fever or malaria). Treatment of mosquito bites is to use an ointment to relieve itching. You can also use natural remedies such as vinegar, which in the study in the "Journal of the Entomological" also proved to serve as an insect repellent.
  3. Wasps - public enemy number one during the summer, wasp stings are very painful and most often cause allergic reactions. The sting should be overcome by using ice or antihistamines to reduce swelling and itching. If an allergy, you should go to the doctor, or even in cases of serious need to call an ambulance.
  4. Spiders - While a lot of people fear, only a fraction of spider that can bite you meet, and even a little dangerous (unless you are in the wilderness). If bitten by a rare spider is dangerous, you may experience swelling, dizziness, or even vomiting. If the signs that happens, immediately go to the hospital immediately.
  5. Ants - ants bite can be a serious nuisance. If this happens to you, then you have to clean the affected area of ​​the bite. You can use a drug that can be made, by mixing baking soda and water to make the itch relief ointment.
  6. Jellyfish - Vacation on the beach would be very annoying if exposed to jellyfish stings. Urine has little effect or even not at all serve to overcome jellyfish stings, so you should avoid doing. British Red Cross recommends to treat the sting with sea water or pouring vinegar over the wound sting slowly.

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