Saturday, April 27, 2013

Often mothers Emotions Make Sick Kids Teeth

Eating sugary foods and rarely brush my teeth were two major problems that are often the cause of toothache in children. But you know it turns out there are other causes that can lead to tooth pain in children, the mother's emotional attitude.

Dental health experts from Case Western Reserve Dental School stated that after observing 224 mothers who had children aged 3-4 years. These observations were made on an ongoing basis until the child turned 14 years old.

Observations were made by examining the oral health by counting the number of cavities, decay, rocky patches and permanent date on the child and the mother's mental state through the interview.
According to experts, child oral health is closely connected with his mother's ability to manage stress and hang out in the environment. From the data obtained, the mother that emphasizes emotion in the face of day-to-day problems, her toothache easier.

Researchers believe that emotional moment, the mother tends to ignore the health of their children. Includes forget to remind them to be diligent brushing and limiting the consumption of sweet foods, as reported by dailynews.

"We can not ignore that the influence of the environment and the need for intervention can help women get back on track to save his son," said Prof Suchitra Nelson who conducted this study.

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