Sunday, April 28, 2013

10 Animals Who Have a Unique and Weird Faces

1. Hatchetfish
This gulf residents fish body is very small (the largest species known only measuring 12 cm), and is not harmful, but his face was like a nightmare.

Hatchetfish is proof that we do not have sharp teeth or red glowing eyes to be spooky. This fish is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world, creatures eat smaller gorge, such as copepods (a type Crustaceae).

2. Nose Bat Tube
Found in the rainforests of the Philippines, this endangered bats and has one of the strangest faces among mammals.

Dark ears covered with yellow spots, orange eyes and nose certainly looks like a tube that makes cartoons. These bats eat mostly figs and other fruits, but sometimes they also eat insects.

3. Axolotl
Species that exist only in Lake Xochimilco, Meksisko, axolotl (meaning "water monster" in Nahuatl, the Aztec language) is actually a type of salamander.

Besides the funny face, they also have a unique red hair gills resembling feathers. This species of salamander usually retains his ability throughout his life (also called neotheny)

Unfortunately, these rare amphibians threatened with extinction because of pollution and hunted in some parts of Mexico to eat.

4. Aye Aye
Arguably the most bizarre appearance of primates (humans do not count of course), aye aye has large bat-like ears, eyes are yellow and look a lot like Gremlins (a comedy horror film in America).

These animals actually became the inspiration for Gremlin-like monster in the film series Primeval, where his descendants told haunt an empty house.

Aye aye found in Madagascar and critically endangered due to habitat destruction and killed because the people in the country is not like the creature as it is considered bad luck.

5. Snub nose monkeys

Again, this animal is an endangered species. Only found in China (including Tibet) and Vietnam. They live in the mountains in height of up to 4000m, with some primates are adapted to cold environments. They were threatened with losing their habitat.

6. Star Nose Mole
The rats were given the name because of the shape of the nose of meat on his nose, which was covered sensory receptor that enhances the ability of touch, because this animal is actually very bad eyesight.

The star nose mole is a registered swimmers and divers as well as a great digger. Like the other moles, this animal eat earthworms, grubs and slimy in any soil. Found in Canada and the northern United States.

7. Naked mole
This mouse looks without hair, wrinkled, pale pink skin and have black eyes glowing.

But one thing that is very interesting is the bulge are two very big teeth, which actually grows through the lips.
So that the animals do not have to open my mouth at the time whittling down the street at the ground. Gigi is so powerful that famous naked mole-rat can gnaw concrete.

8. Leaf Tail gecko
Leaf tail gecko is a species that seem to be made by cartoonist. These animals may have the most bizarre in the eyes of other animals, and when he opened his mouth, this animal looks like a big smile.

Although it looks like the happiest reptiles (because her smile), this creature is actually suffering from threatened loss of Malagasy rainforest as his home.

9. Potoo
This amazing bird found in Mesiko, Central and South America, and noted for exceptional camouflage capabilities.

Has a weird face, with a smiling mouth, a short beak and yellow eyes, as if they were cartoon characters. Harmless to humans but extremely dangerous for flying insects and bats as well-known voracious predators.

10. Red Nose Fish Bats
Although not very well known, this fish has a face that is quite strange. The shape is flat, long nose and pointy and looks like too much lipstick.

This freak of nature found in the Galapagos and has a close relative in Central American waters. This animal is a slow swimmer and prefers to drag himself on the sea floor using fins as hands.

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