Thursday, April 11, 2013

6 Reasons Superiority Android Compared to Blackberry

In fact has many left Blackberry and move to Android phones. There's a reason why be like that, but here six main reasons why leave Blackberry for Android is not wrong.

  1. Performance
    - Blackberry: fast and stable. But sometimes the phone-hang, that require you remove battery from its compartment and sucks is the process of re-boot 3-8 minutes
    -Android: very fast. There has been no complaints about the phone-hangs that require batteries out of place, unless you want to change the SIM card. Re-boot process is rapid.
  2. Battery
    - Blackberry: battery life is incredible. Yes, it's natural because Blackberry is not a lot process various applications such as Android.
    - Android: quite wasteful, but sometimes can be up to one day. But it must be remembered that the Android phones use batteries for a lot of thing.
  3. Email
    - Blackberry: email on Blackberry RIM has become a mainstay. Gmail on Blackberry also has optimized its function, but of course not as good on Android.
    - Android: what made you doubt of Google's Gmail that run on Google's Android?
  4. User Interface
    - Blackberry: boring.
    - Android: you will not even feel tired to explore every corner of the Android phone.
  5. Web Browsing
    - Blackberry: very tiring, you have to admit it.
    - Android: Android is where lies the advantage. Android became the winner when compared to all mobile OS. When comparing web browsing on Android with a Blackberry, just like night and day. Much different.
  6. Application
    - Blackberry: Blackberry does have myriad of applications, but at the moment iPhone also getting much the same leave Blackberry. So better see what can be done Blackberry to follow catch in the back of the iPhone OS and Android.
    - Android: the more applications that used only in OS, is now not is Android version. Competitors Android is a fact of the iPhone, not a Blackberry.

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