Sunday, May 5, 2013

8 Things Proven To Make Children Smarter

  1. Hospitalized infants from birth
    Breastfeeding provides many benefits, including immunity and protection from disease. But not many know that breastfeeding also affects intelligence. A study from McGill University in Montreal showed that children aged 6.5 years who were breastfed as a child had a verbal IQ scores 7.5 points higher than children who are not breastfed. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months.
  2. Physical activity
    All elementary school teachers would say that your child is able to concentrate after gym class, or break. But it's not the only benefit of physical activity. After reviewing 14 studies, Dutch researchers found that cognitive test scores of children would be higher if they had access to the exercise room, to release tension. So, encourage your child to exercise.
  3. Stay away from fast food
    Streak diet containing lots of fat, lots of sugar because it will reduce a child's IQ, they said in "Journal of Epidemiological Community Health". 4000 researchers examined the eating habits of children from age 3 and check their intelligence at age 8.5. Children who eat the most fast food, which is high in sugar and fat, has a score of 1.67 IQ points lower than children who often eat fruits, vegetables, fish and pasta.
  4. Play music
    University of Toronto study revealed that music lessons can improve the brain's ability children aged 6-11. The children who participated music lessons increased IQ greatest, greater than that involved drama lessons. All types of music lessons is good, so if your child does not want to play the trumpet, do not worry.
  5. Do not forget the fish oil
    A New York University study, which evaluated so many studies about the causes of increasing a person's IQ, revealed that omega-3 fatty acids are the best. it said, when pregnant and nursing mothers get 1000 mg DHA every day, then the IQ of a toddler can be increased by more than 3.5 points. In addition, infants who received DHA for three months turned out to have IQ scores 6.5 points higher than those who did not.
  6. Interactions reading book
    Studies at New York University ho also figure out how the interaction of reading - which encourages children to read and to teach them how to ask - can improve the intelligence of children. Researchers found that when children aged under 4 years of active reads books, intelligence can be increased by more than 6 points. While reading the book, encourage your child to ask another possibility colored eggs.
  7. Consider register your child to preschool
    An analysis of 16 recent studies revealed, sending children to preschool retarded that focus on language development can increase IQ scores up to 7 points. Put your child to preschool if it is available near your home.
  8. Breakfast
    Children who start the day with a healthy breakfast proved to be easier to concentrate, better prepared and ultimately earn higher grades. Who would have thought, a simple breakfast such as cereal and a glass of juice can help your child have more energy in the day.

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