Friday, May 3, 2013

Osteoporosis In Addition, UV Rays Also Prevent Heart Disease

If the previous studies mentioned that sunlight can help maintain bone density, recent research reveals again the great benefits of sunlight for health.

The research team from Edinburgh University revealed that sunlight shown to help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of deadly diseases such as heart disease and stroke, as reported by the BBC.

According to the researchers, sunlight contain UV (ultraviolet) to nitric oxide releasing compounds that can lower blood pressure. These compounds will be produced when the body is exposed to more sunlight.

Dr Richard Weller as a dermatologist from Edinburgh University stated, "based on these findings, we conclude that the benefits of greater sunlight for the heart than the risk of skin cancer".

"That's why outdoor activities in the morning is very good for the body", added Weller.

Experts also believe that the sun between the hours of 7-9 am is the best time to get the health benefits from the warmth of the sun.

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