Saturday, May 11, 2013

Signs Could Not Forget The Ex Girlfriend

  1. Often compare you to his ex. This is the most common. He often compare her ex advantages with you. Well, from here you you should always be yourself. If not, then forever you will only be a shadow of the former girlfriend spouse.
  2. Often talk about her ex. Talking about it is not always good. Scorn or mockery in the former is also an indication of the feeling that remains deep in his soul. If she starts talking about her ex, it helps you to witch your topic. Do not you just love your boyfriend become an outlet for his feelings still left on the former.
  3. Deny if he still loves her ex. Be careful, it might even reverse the denial of his feelings to the former. Maybe he's trying to convince himself, and you of course, that is not nothing between him at the former (even though there is still a little bit of love deep in his heart). Well, you have to respect your boyfriend's willingness to forget his ex-girlfriend.
  4. Write something about her ex, his story, or his past moments with the former. Sometimes he wrote something on the theme of the former. It could be a short story (if his hobby is writing short story), a play, a song, or a poem. In essence, this means the use of (your boyfriend) to express his feelings towards his ex-girlfriend.

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