Thursday, May 9, 2013

Do Not Be Careless When Handling The Ears Take In Water

Do not enter the water just for the sake of "helping" the ear the water intrusion. Therefore, the behaviour is jeopardizing the health of the ear such as:
  1. Can lead to more severe infections. For example, if you put water into the ear, the ear while in a state of irritation or inflammation, then the water will add moisture ear canal and be a good medium for the growth of bacteria and fungi in the ear canal.
  2. putting water into the ear that contain irritant substances or contain germs will actually cause further irritation and infection.
  3. Putting water into the ear in a leaky condition eardrum will lead to infection. The result will discharge from the ear.
  4. Putting water into the ear with a temperature that is too hot or cold, can lead to vertigo (spinning dizziness)due to simulation of the balance organ in the inner ear.
For people with normal eardrum but take in water, these two solution are safe:
  1. Tilt toward the affected ear, so expect water to come out according gravitational movement.
  2. Can also be assisted by pulling the ear to the back or squeeze the ear hole. The hope, the water trapped in the ear canal can get out.

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