Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In order for Mosquitoes Drug Poisoning We Not Also

To be safe to use insect repellent, following tips from dr. Fachry:

- Apply insect repellent lotion on the usual mosquito bites, such as hands and feet. Wash off immediately with water after use.

- Do not apply insect repellent lotion on the face, genitals, chest, or abdomen.

- To use insect repellent spray, it is not directly into the room after being sprayed. Wait about 15 minutes after spraying, then entered the room.

- Mosquito coils should not be switched on when we sleep soundly. Because at the time of deep sleep, our lungs need more oxygen to the body's needs.
- Special rooms children should avoid the use of insect repellent spray mosquito coils especially.

Rather than use a risky product, it helps keep the environment clean to prevent the number of mosquitoes. Here are the best tips to avoid mosquitoes.

- Clean the room as often as possible.

- Provide good ventilation in the room. Open the window in the morning and afternoon. Close the window in the early evening.

- Clean up standing water around the house, including drains. Drain the tub regularly. Cover the entire containers / cans in the house that could potentially become stagnant pools.

- Use mosquito nets while sleeping, it is much safer and healthier.

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Various Ways to Treat Insect Bites

  1. Bees - The first action to do when stung by a bee sting is to immediately pull out, which will minimize the shock strength. If you experience allergic reactions such as swelling, then went to the doctor as soon as possible. Extreme cases can cause severe problems breathing difficulties, if it happens immediately call an ambulance.
  2. Mosquitoes - Although annoying, mosquito bites usually do not cause serious problems (except for dengue fever or malaria). Treatment of mosquito bites is to use an ointment to relieve itching. You can also use natural remedies such as vinegar, which in the study in the "Journal of the Entomological" also proved to serve as an insect repellent.
  3. Wasps - public enemy number one during the summer, wasp stings are very painful and most often cause allergic reactions. The sting should be overcome by using ice or antihistamines to reduce swelling and itching. If an allergy, you should go to the doctor, or even in cases of serious need to call an ambulance.
  4. Spiders - While a lot of people fear, only a fraction of spider that can bite you meet, and even a little dangerous (unless you are in the wilderness). If bitten by a rare spider is dangerous, you may experience swelling, dizziness, or even vomiting. If the signs that happens, immediately go to the hospital immediately.
  5. Ants - ants bite can be a serious nuisance. If this happens to you, then you have to clean the affected area of ​​the bite. You can use a drug that can be made, by mixing baking soda and water to make the itch relief ointment.
  6. Jellyfish - Vacation on the beach would be very annoying if exposed to jellyfish stings. Urine has little effect or even not at all serve to overcome jellyfish stings, so you should avoid doing. British Red Cross recommends to treat the sting with sea water or pouring vinegar over the wound sting slowly.

Monday, April 29, 2013

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8 things that are proven to make children more intelligent

1. Hospitalized infants from birth
Breastfeeding provides many benefits, including immunity and protection from disease. But not many know that breastfeeding also affects intelligence. A study from McGill University in Montreal showed that children aged 6.5 years who were breastfed as a child had a verbal IQ scores 7.5 points higher than children who are not breastfed. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months.

2. Physical activity
All elementary school teachers would say that your child is able to concentrate after gym class, or break. But it's not the only benefit of physical activity. After reviewing 14 studies, Dutch researchers found that cognitive test scores of children would be higher if they had access to the exercise room, to release tension. So, encourage your child to exercise.

3. Stay away from fast food
Streak diet containing lots of fat, lots of sugar because it will reduce a child's IQ, they said in "Journal of Epidemiological Community Health". 4000 researchers examined the eating habits of children from age 3 and check their intelligence at age 8.5. Children who eat the most fast food, which is high in sugar and fat, has a score of 1.67 IQ points lower than children who often eat fruits, vegetables, fish and pasta.

4. Play music
University of Toronto study revealed that music lessons can improve the brain's ability children aged 6-11. The children who participated music lessons increased IQ greatest, greater than that involved drama lessons. All types of music lessons is good, so if your child does not want to play the trumpet, do not worry.

5. Do not forget the fish oil
A New York University study, which evaluated so many studies about the causes of increasing a person's IQ, revealed that Omega-3 fatty acids are the best. It said, when pregnant and nursing mothers get 1000 mg DHA per day, then the IQ of a toddler can be increased by more than 3.5 points. In addition, infants who received DHA for three months turned out to have IQ scores 6.5 points higher than those who did not.

6. Interactions reading books
Studies at New York University who also figure out how the interaction of reading - which encourages children to read and to teach them how to ask - can improve the intelligence of children. Researchers found that when children aged under 4 years of active read books, intelligence can be increased by more than 6 points. While reading the book, encourage your child to ask another possibility colored eggs.

7. Consider register your child to preschool.
An analysis of 16 recent studies revealed, sending children to preschool retarded that focus on language development can increase IQ scores up to 7 points. Put your child to preschool if it is available near your home.

8. Breakfast
Children who start the day with a healthy breakfast proved to be easier to concentrate, better prepared and ultimately earn higher grades. Who would have thought, a simple breakfast such as cereal and a glass of juice can help your child have more energy in the day.

Frozen Chocolate Dipped Bananas


  • Bananas, preferably organic
  • Good quality dark or semisweet chocolate
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Optional toppings:
  • Shredded or flaked coconut
  • Chopped peanuts
  • Chopped toasted hazelnuts


  1. Peel and cut the bananas into 4 pieces, or desired size
  2. Insert a popsicle halfway into each piece of banana. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, waxed paper or a silicone mat. Place bananas on the cookie sheet and place in the freezer overnight
  3. Once the bananas are frozen, melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl in the microwave. Heat for 30 seconds. Stir. Heat again for another 20 to 30 seconds and stir. Do this a couple of times, until the chocolate is almost melted. Gently stir the chocolate until it is all melted. The extra heat from the bowl will continue to gently melt the remaining chocolate. If necessary, you can heat again for another few seconds. Just remember that chocolate burns very easily
  4. When the chocolate is melted, dip the frozen bananas in chocolate and roll in your favorite topping. Place the bananas on a lined baking sheet or plate and freeze until ready to serve.

*Let bananas soften slightly for a couple of minutes before eating.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

10 Animals Who Have a Unique and Weird Faces

1. Hatchetfish
This gulf residents fish body is very small (the largest species known only measuring 12 cm), and is not harmful, but his face was like a nightmare.

Hatchetfish is proof that we do not have sharp teeth or red glowing eyes to be spooky. This fish is found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world, creatures eat smaller gorge, such as copepods (a type Crustaceae).

2. Nose Bat Tube
Found in the rainforests of the Philippines, this endangered bats and has one of the strangest faces among mammals.

Dark ears covered with yellow spots, orange eyes and nose certainly looks like a tube that makes cartoons. These bats eat mostly figs and other fruits, but sometimes they also eat insects.

3. Axolotl
Species that exist only in Lake Xochimilco, Meksisko, axolotl (meaning "water monster" in Nahuatl, the Aztec language) is actually a type of salamander.

Besides the funny face, they also have a unique red hair gills resembling feathers. This species of salamander usually retains his ability throughout his life (also called neotheny)

Unfortunately, these rare amphibians threatened with extinction because of pollution and hunted in some parts of Mexico to eat.

4. Aye Aye
Arguably the most bizarre appearance of primates (humans do not count of course), aye aye has large bat-like ears, eyes are yellow and look a lot like Gremlins (a comedy horror film in America).

These animals actually became the inspiration for Gremlin-like monster in the film series Primeval, where his descendants told haunt an empty house.

Aye aye found in Madagascar and critically endangered due to habitat destruction and killed because the people in the country is not like the creature as it is considered bad luck.

5. Snub nose monkeys

Again, this animal is an endangered species. Only found in China (including Tibet) and Vietnam. They live in the mountains in height of up to 4000m, with some primates are adapted to cold environments. They were threatened with losing their habitat.

6. Star Nose Mole
The rats were given the name because of the shape of the nose of meat on his nose, which was covered sensory receptor that enhances the ability of touch, because this animal is actually very bad eyesight.

The star nose mole is a registered swimmers and divers as well as a great digger. Like the other moles, this animal eat earthworms, grubs and slimy in any soil. Found in Canada and the northern United States.

7. Naked mole
This mouse looks without hair, wrinkled, pale pink skin and have black eyes glowing.

But one thing that is very interesting is the bulge are two very big teeth, which actually grows through the lips.
So that the animals do not have to open my mouth at the time whittling down the street at the ground. Gigi is so powerful that famous naked mole-rat can gnaw concrete.

8. Leaf Tail gecko
Leaf tail gecko is a species that seem to be made by cartoonist. These animals may have the most bizarre in the eyes of other animals, and when he opened his mouth, this animal looks like a big smile.

Although it looks like the happiest reptiles (because her smile), this creature is actually suffering from threatened loss of Malagasy rainforest as his home.

9. Potoo
This amazing bird found in Mesiko, Central and South America, and noted for exceptional camouflage capabilities.

Has a weird face, with a smiling mouth, a short beak and yellow eyes, as if they were cartoon characters. Harmless to humans but extremely dangerous for flying insects and bats as well-known voracious predators.

10. Red Nose Fish Bats
Although not very well known, this fish has a face that is quite strange. The shape is flat, long nose and pointy and looks like too much lipstick.

This freak of nature found in the Galapagos and has a close relative in Central American waters. This animal is a slow swimmer and prefers to drag himself on the sea floor using fins as hands.

Cinnamon Oat Buttermilk Waffles


  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 cups old fashioned oats
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 4 whole eggs, separated
  • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk
  • 1 cup fat free milk
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Cooking spray


  1. Place the all purpose flour, whole wheat flour, old fashioned oats, baking powder, kosher salt, ground cinnamon and granulated sugar in the bowl of your food processor. Pulse about 10 times to aerate and combine the ingredients. This will essentially do the same thing as a sifter, only a whole lot more efficiently. Remove the dry ingredients from the food processor and place into a mixing bowl. Set to the side.
  2. Plug your waffle iron into the wall and preheat it according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Meanwhile, place the egg yolks into a large sized mixing bowl, and the egg yolks into another smaller bowl. Beat the egg yolks with a hand mixer set to low speed until lightened in color.
  3. Add the butter milk, fat free milk and unsalted melted butter to the bowl with the egg yolks. Mix to combine, still with the hand mixer set to low speed. Then, form a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the milk mixture inside. Stir just until combined, and set to the side.
  4. Place the vanilla inside the bowl with the egg whites. Fit your hand mixer with a clean pair of beaters, and then beat the whites until soft peaks form. Gently fold the whipped egg whites into the waffle batter just until they are incorporated.
  5. Once your waffle is preheated, open it and spray with the cooking spray. Place the correct amount of batter into the center of the iron (based upon how big yours happens to be) and then smooth out slightly. Close the waffle iron and cook. If your waffle iron is fitted with a done light, do not open it until the light goes off.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

National Geographic

Often mothers Emotions Make Sick Kids Teeth

Eating sugary foods and rarely brush my teeth were two major problems that are often the cause of toothache in children. But you know it turns out there are other causes that can lead to tooth pain in children, the mother's emotional attitude.

Dental health experts from Case Western Reserve Dental School stated that after observing 224 mothers who had children aged 3-4 years. These observations were made on an ongoing basis until the child turned 14 years old.

Observations were made by examining the oral health by counting the number of cavities, decay, rocky patches and permanent date on the child and the mother's mental state through the interview.
According to experts, child oral health is closely connected with his mother's ability to manage stress and hang out in the environment. From the data obtained, the mother that emphasizes emotion in the face of day-to-day problems, her toothache easier.

Researchers believe that emotional moment, the mother tends to ignore the health of their children. Includes forget to remind them to be diligent brushing and limiting the consumption of sweet foods, as reported by dailynews.

"We can not ignore that the influence of the environment and the need for intervention can help women get back on track to save his son," said Prof Suchitra Nelson who conducted this study.

10 Healthy Benefits of Lime

 10 tips on how to make use of lemon juice as a herb that helps cure the disease.
1. Hemorrhoid
A total of 10 grams of lime tree roots washed, then boiled with 1 liter of water for 1/2 hour, then strain. Warm drink 3 times a day.

2. Tonsil
Leather 3 lime washed, cut into pieces, then boiled with 2 cups of water until the water remaining 3/4, strain. The water is used for rinsing the mouth. Do it 3-4 times a day.

3. Anyang-anyangan
Two lime washed, squeezed and then given sugar cubes to taste and 1 cup hot water. Stir in warm, drink once a day once.

4. Cough
One lime washed, squeezed, mixed with 1 tablespoon honey _ and a little salt, stir and then filtered. Drink 2-3 times a day. Or lime juice plus a piece of rock sugar and stir until blended, drink 1 a day until healed.

5. Cough with Influenza
Cut a ripe lemon and contains enough water, then squeeze. Pour boiling water juice with 60 cc of hot water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of whiting water while stirring. Drink this mixture two times a day 2 tablespoons.

6. Body Odor
Method 1:
Cut a lemon into 2 sections large enough, spread the slices with a thin layer of whiting. Apply to underarms after shower. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse, intervenes every morning and afternoon.
Method 2:
Several strands (10) young leaves until finely ground lime, crushed, pulung small as a pill, eat 3 times a day.

7. Kidney Stones
Two grains of lime juice diluted with 2 cups village warm water, drink after dinner. Do it every day for 10 days.

8. Diphtheria
Two lime washed, squeezed the water. Pour 1 cup hot water plus 1 tablespoon honey. Use to rinse for two minutes while still warm, and drink. Do it 3 times a day.

9. Healthy Hair
A chicken egg yolks 3 eggs whipped with lemon juice until smooth villages. Rub on the scalp, massage-massage evenly, leave for 2 hours then rinse with shampoo that stimulates hair becomes shiny and thick. Shampoos made from 1 bunch straw straw, burnt to a char, not ash, soak in water and leave overnight. Strain, and shampoo straw ready to wash it.

10. Stopping Smoking Habit
Sliced ​​1 lime, suction and drinking water. Do this several times a day.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Toddler hazards Suck Thumb Hobbies

Baby habits include hand or finger and thumb sucking begins at age two months. At the age of three months, in addition to sucking finger, sometimes he also nibbled her hand.

Indeed, thumb-sucking should not be allowed because it could affect the shape of the jaw Little.

Also from the psychology, thumb-sucking can also make Little children who do not grow up to be confident.

Dr.. Johnny Nurman of Brawijaya Clinic ANZ Square-Thamrin Nine Podium, Jakarta advise parents to give Si Small and medium-sized teether made ​​of safe materials.

Or, it could also make the teether from small towel or ends tied like advice stuffed ice cubes American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

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10 Things That Can Damage The Brain

  1. No Breakfast
    People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
  2. Overeat
    Too much to eat, let alone a high fat content, can result in hardening of the brain blood vessels due to accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result, the ability of the brain decreases.
  3. Smoke
    Substances in inhaled cigarette will quickly lead to brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Consuming Too Much Sugar
    Consumption of too much sugar will cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients, causing nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development.
  5. Air Pollution
    The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in the human body. Inhaling polluted air lowers the oxygen supply to the brain that can decrease the efficiency of the brain.
  6. Sleep Deprivation
    The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and restore capabilities. Deprived of sleep for long periods will accelerate the deterioration of brain cells.
  7. Covering the Head While Sleeping
    Habit of sleeping with closed head increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that can cause brain damage effects.
  8. Using Mind When Sick
    Working too hard or forced to use our minds when we are sick can lead to reduced effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
  9. Less Stimulate the Mind
    Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation to the brain can cause our brains wrinkle.
  10. Rarely Communicate
    Communication is needed as a means of spurring ability of the brain. Communicate intellectually can trigger brain efficiency. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be poorly trained.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chocolate Mug cake

  • 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 4 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • 1 piece of  chicken eggs
  • 3 tablespoon of fresh milk
  • 3 tablespoon melted butter
  • Peanut taste (kind according to taste)
  • A little salt
How to Make:
  1. Mix all ingredients
  2. Pour into heat resistant mug by half
  3. Bake in microwave for 5 minutes with a maximum heat
  1. Fit eaten in cold weather when it is hot, sprinkle powdered sugar on it
  2. The hot weather suitable eaten with ice cream to taste
  3. Beans can be replaced with chocolate chips or chocolate coins so that when cut open like a chocolate lava arise
  4. Can be added wiped cream, fruit, honey, or other

Reading Personality Of Handwriting

How the shape of the letters and words you write can tell how the personality traits that you have, this is known as graphology. Graphology is the study itself regarding handwriting. To read the personality and character of a person with a more effective, subject suggested using paper continued writing even if she uses a paper document. Here's how to read a person's personality from handwriting.

How to Work
When analyzing a person's personality based on his handwriting, first you have to look at the style of writing in general, similar to the picture. After that, categorize based on the characters that look.
Similarly, the human characters are unique to each person, the writing also of course has its own uniqueness. The next stage is to determine the emotional level that is in the text. For example when someone writes the word "black", how much pressure whether given to the writing and so on.

Authors are writing using force or emphasis usually have vitality and emotional experiences that last a long time. While the emphasis is normal, has a vitality and emotional experience standards (enough for 1 day). If the emphasis is weak, then that person will use their energy to a minimum and try to avoid situations that require power.

Grade Level
Cut To The Right
This signifies that the person handles a situation with the influence of emotion. They also open and like to socialize with the people around him.
Cut To The Left
People with a writing style that tilted to the left likes to keep their e
motions in all situations, and they are often seen as being cold and indifferent to its surroundings. But if the writing style is to write with the right hand, then that means the person has a rebellious nature
Do Not Cut
If a person's writing style is not skewed at all, it means they are using their logic than emotion in dealing with a situation. But they still have a high emotional reaction to the environment around them.

Space Between Words

Size Small Spaces
Shows that you are a person with a high communication desire and not afraid to show it physically.
Size Large Spaces
If the size of the spacing between words big enough then it indicates that you are a person who needs their own space in communication and do not want to get too close to people.
Text Size
Individuals have a friendly personality and see themselves as people with strong personalities. They usually can not focus on one thing for too long and looks to do much work at one time.
Have a high level of concentration and attention to detail is very small. But usually they are more shy and introverted in his personality, which they see themselves as people with a shy personality.
A person who easily adapt to any situation as a flexible personality. The concentration levels can be distracted easily.

Text Direction
If ascending then show that you are a positive, enthusiastic and keen. Meanwhile, if declining, showing that you are a pessimist.
Sometimes, you may have noticed that a person's writing style sometimes ascending or decreased. This suggests that the mood is fickle. But it has a little wave at the beginning of the writing is amazing, and shows emotions balanced.
Someone who writes straight indicates that the person has a high level of self-control, reliable and secure emotional level.

Capital Letters
Capital Letters With Much Different Sizes With Small Letters
Indicates that the person is a person with high confidence, the more different size, the higher the level of confidence they have. Even in some cases, the level of confidence that can be said to be arrogant.
Capital Letters With The Same Size Small Letters
indicates the person is honest and humble person with a level of confidence for granted, but when compared to others can look more in the direction of shy.

Circle In Small Letters L
People who have this love of writing style reining themselves in expressing themselves. This indicates that they like to see and assess the situation before expressing themselves.
Circle In Big Letters L
Was the spontaneous and casual, easy look to express themselves.
Circle In Small Letters E
Usually people with a small circle on the letter E will be suspicious and not be influenced in a relevant argument or based on emotion.
Circle In Big Letters E
Thin indicates they are very open and love to enjoy new things in they lives.

Letter-Writing Style S
Looks Round
This shows that people would rather avoid conflict, compromise and try to love like the people around him.
Sharp To Top
Intellectual and love to learn new thing. The higher the letter sharp s and possessed, the more shows how ambitious the person.
Circle That Has Clearly Seen Below
People who have the letter S clearly visible circle below shows the people rarely follow their own desires, where they act as thee situation at hand.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bandengan Beach

Bandengan Beach or Tirta Samudra Beach is the famous beach Jepara. The place is very beautiful and romantic. People around Jepara, Kudus, Demak knows this place. This place is located 7 kilometers north of Nuclear Jepara city center. The white sandy beach which has pure water is good for swimming. The beach is save enough for swimming because the beach is shallow and the wave is not so big.

This place is more beautiful at dusk. We can see the beautiful sunset with our family or friends. In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind. It also has large pandan tree field. It is suitable for youngster activities such as camping. If we want to sail. We can rent the traditional boat owned by local people. We can make voyage around the beach or we go to pulau panjang (panjang island). Some time we n find banana boat and let ski for rent.

In this place we can find many traditional footstalls. We can order traditional foods sold by the trader such as roasted fish, crab, boiled shell. Pindang srani is one of the delicious food enjoyed by the visitors.

The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Nuclear Power

Is generated by using Uranium which is a metal mined in varies part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria. England in varies1956. Some military ships and submarines has nuclear plant for powering the engine. Nuclear power produce around 11% of the world's energy. It causes on pollution as we what get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plants are as follow:

  1. It costs about the same coal, so it is not expensive to make.
  2. It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
  3. A small amount of it can produce a huge amount of energy.
  4. Produces small amount of waste.
  5. Material process
  6. It is reliable. On the other hand, nuclear power is very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity extinct.
  7. Although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because he it does not a serious nuclear accident can happen. People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the other 1990s, nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dreamland Beach, Bali

Not just unique name. Dreamland beach has a beautiful panorama. Dreamland beach is one of the beautiful beach in Bali than Kuta Beach. On this beach, there are more and more foreign tourists than local tourists. The waves were huge, very suitable for surfing sport, and beaches clean, which gives the impression of comfortable, while sitting or laying on the beach.

Dreamland beach located in Pecatu, a region in the south of Bali. The beach is surrounded by cliffs towering, and surrounded by a fairly large rocks around the beach, so the beach looks as if is lower than the sea. The visitor were down rocks and steps to the beach, they can see the green grass on the cliff was beautiful. Many local or foreign tourist who loved it. Whitish brown sand on this beach adds to the beauty of Dreamland beach.

Some villas and resorts on this beach is located above the cliff. So that the visitors who stay at the villa or resort can enjoy the beautiful beaches of the cliff. In addition there are shopping centers, malls, and golf courses on the coast. According to the tour guide on this beach, Dreamland is the only beach in Bali that adheres to international law. Law that frees the patrons to drink alcohol or even dressed up as little as possible for a woman with no clothes on would not be questioned.

Paris, France

Paris is the capital city of France. Paris are the largest city in France and the centre of France commerce. It is financial and industry. Paris are the centre of the world's fashion and mode, and one of the richest cities in the world.

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also one of the world's most crowded cities. Lovely gardens and parks are found throughout Paris. At might, many palaces and statues are lit up. For this reason, Paris is often called the City of Light. Every year, million of people visit Paris. The most popular place to visit is the Eiffel Tower. This huge structure has become the symbol of Paris. The louse, one of the world's largest art museums, draws many visitors. The Cathedral of Notre Dame, a famous church, is another favourite place to visit.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Bali, Indonesia

Bali island, the perfect holiday destination for all ages offers something for everyone. Bali offers not just various "adrenaline pump" parks. Many exciting amusements are available in Bali, with something new opening all the time. The number of offshore and inland attraction are on the rise because many tourists want them. This tropical paradise has a unique blend of modern tourist facilities combined with wonderful shopping and a rich past and heritage. After white water rafting that has gained popularity in Bali, comes offshore and rafting or ocean rafting . The more adventurous post of amusement has now become an alternative sport for tourists. Meanwhile white water rafting is still a popular activity with trips on Ayung, Telaga Waja, Unda Rivers, etc.

The tourists can refresh their mind by watching beautiful scenery along the route. Those are not enough, some of the best surfing beaches in the world can be found on the western side of the island whilst conversely the eastern side is a wonderful haven for families, with beautiful white sand beaches and gentle seas. Bali is the small island, just 140 Km by 80 Km and lies between Java, the most highly populated and influential of all the islands, and Lombok, one of the quieter and moderately slower paced islands. Like many islands, Bali has developed a world of its own. It not only captures what is special about Indonesia but also has uniqueness of its own.

The Effect Of Climate Change ( Global Warming )

(1) Rising global temperatures. The average global temperature rise about 0.74 degrees Celsius during the 20th century. The increase over the last 50 years is almost 2 times higher than the previous 100 years. (2) There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a major contributor to climate change. (3) A lot of rainfall and more droughts. Rainfall occurs higher in the eastern regions of North America and South America, Northern Europe, Northern Asia and Central Asia for decades. But in the Mediterranean, Southern Africa and most of South Asia experienced drought. (4) Sea level rise. Total sea level rise during the 20th century about 0.74 meters and this is far greater than the increase over the previous 2000 years. (5) Reduce ice cover, especially in the summer.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

10 Facts and Benefits of Laughter

  1. The children laugh more than adults. Children laugh 400 times a day while adults only about 15 times.
  2. Jokes help children get to know a variety of things such as cause-effect relationships, new vocabulary, social ethics, and others.
  3. Children who have a good sense of humor has a good adaptability with peers.
  4. 126% women laugh more than men.
  5. Men more easily be laughable than women (more boys become the object of derision at school than girls).
  6. Contagious Laughter: We are more than happy to laugh when other people laugh. Time alone watching sitcoms on TV, we also laughed when the television audience laugh. This caused laughter is a universal language, emotional expression that is difficult to counterfeit or covered up.
  7. Laughter activates different parts of the brain. Parts of the brain that reacts to a joke is pefrontal ventral medial cortex, which is part contributed to the development of cognitive, personality and emotion.
  8. The greater the number of members in a group situation, the easier it is to be made to laugh. Hence the joke is the most effective ice breaker.
  9. Laughed the same as exercising. When you laugh, your facial muscles will stretch, increase your pulse rate as moderate exercise and also improve the distribution of oxygen throughout the body.
  10. Laughter is good for mental health. Laughter can release endorphins that will  make you feel good. Endorphins give you a sense of peace and reduce anxiety.

Long-Term Aspirin Consumption Causes Blindness

According to recent research, taking aspirin regularly for 10 years is likely to double the risk of vision loss. As quoted ZeeNews, the scientists stated that aspirin may increase the chance of developing the disease wet age-related macular degeneration (Wet AMD), which is an eye condition that can cause blindness. 

Researches from the University of Wisconsin used data from the Beaver Dam Eye Study about age-related eye disease. Eye examination conducted every 5 years during the 20-year period at nearly 5,000 participants. Participants, aged 43-86 years, and then asked if they regularly took aspirin at least two times a week for more than 3 months. The average duration of 14.8 years were followed up. Then, the researchers measure the risk of the various types of AMD. Wet AMD is found only 10 percent of the cases, but this can lead to severe vision loss, while Dry AMD were found to be common and lighter, although it can develop into Wet AMD at any time.

The result showed there are 512 Dry AMD cases and 117 Wet AMD cases during the study. Researchers found those who took aspirin for 10 years had a 1.4 percent risk of Wet AMD, compared to only 0.6 percent in the non-aspirin users. However, no relationship was found between aspirin consumption and Dry AMD. According to the researchers, further studies are needed to confirm these findings. If this is true, the findings could help develop ways to prevent Wet AMD. Aspirin is often referred to as a "wonder drug". In addition to acting as a painkiller, aspirin is also able to act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tempe So Expensive Food In Germany

If tempe is the cheapest food in Indonesia, tempe is expensive food in Germany. In Germany to get some authentic food from Asia is very difficult but in the Wedding district, which is one of the immigrant-dominated areas sac various nation in Asia. Sell some food from Asia.

In this city there exist a shop Vinh Loi in Seestrasse which sells a variety of origin asian food, the Vietnamese-run shop is very crowded day visit Asian people who lived in Germany in search of food typical of their home countries.

One of the authentic Indonesian food tempe are also sold at this store, but the price to get 1 piece of tempe is very expensive once you know do not like in Indonesia if 1 piece of tempe can be purchased at price of Rp 2,000 in Germany alone the price of tempe brick size 400gr priced at 1.79 Euro, equivalent to Rp 28,319. Soybean prices in Germany are also almost the same as a kilo of chicken thighs are priced at 1.99 Euro.

Price tempe expensive in Germany as tempe including imported food, but tempe is sold in Germany are not imported from Indonesian tempe, tempe sold in Germany is made in Germany. There is a company tempe maker called Natural Vegetarian Food b.v.

Unique Smartphone Made From Bamboo

Heard smartphone made of bamboo may sound a little strange because as usual smartphone not made of bamboo instead of a special plastic material to make cell phones, but what happens if the smartphone is made of bamboo? Surely it would be very nice and seen natural.

Middlesex University student in England named Kieron-Scott Woodhouse makes a smartphone made of bamboo, unique design of this smartphone plainly developed by a company AD creative, so that produces a first smartphone in the world of bamboo.

Smartphones are made of bamboo is made from smartphones Samsung Exynos quad-core 4 that it deliberately overhauled and redesigned zoom using bamboo. Just like other smartphones, phones from bamboo has an extremely powerful specs like ram that has 1 Giga internal storage memory to16 GB. Equipped with a 4.5-inch TFT LCD screen with a resolution capability of 1280 x 720 HD.

Well the following specifications
  • Processor: 1.4 GHz Samsung Exynos 4 (quad-core)
  • Display: 4.5-inch TFT LCD with 720 x 1280 HD resolution, 326ppi
  • Dimensions: 134 x 68 x 11.8 mm
  • OS: android 4.0 ice cream sandwich + ADAOS (open boot loader)
  • Memory: 1 GB DDR2
  • Storage: 16 GB internal storage battery
  • Capacity: 2050 mAh
  • Camera: rear-facing 8 MP f/2.0 back illuminated sensor with ring flash, front-facing 0.3 MP camera
  • Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n
  • Networks: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz UMTS/HSPA + 1900/2100 MHz
This smartphone from bamboo were sold from 500 USD or about 4.8 million rupiah.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Orange Chiffon Cake

Ingredients A
  • 8 egg yolk
  • 100 grams sugar
  • 135 grams flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 75 ml oil
  • 100 cc of orange juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange essence
  • 2 tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Ingredients B
  • 8 egg whites
  • 30 grams sugar
Additional Ingredients
  • Raisins
  • Little Pistachio notes
  1. Mixer sugar and egg yolks until well blended, then stop mixer, enter Ingredients A stirring with a spatula until well blended.
  2. Beat the egg whites and sugar until stiff.
  3. Insert whisk egg whites and raisins (raisins over the dough for a little left out) to batter ingredients A, stir with a spatula until blended.
  4. Pour into a baking dish.
  5. Flatten the surface, rather in stamped on the table to remove air bubbles in the dough (so not a lot of holes that cut later).
  6. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes 175 degrees.
  7. Don't open oven for 15 minutes first, to check for ripeness, skewer with a stick, that does not wet mean ripe.
  8. After 15 minutes, sprinkle the rest of the raisins and little pistachio notes or grade chocolate.
  9. Wait cold, remove the cake from pan, and ready to be served.
Successful tips
  • When the shaking egg whites should be completely up stiff cone and formed shoots when mixer is lifted.
  • Once cooked behind the waiting baking sheet to cool.

5 Cultural Heritage Of Indonesia Becomes World Pride

  1. Puppet ( Wayang )
    Puppet is recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of Indonesia in 2003. Puppet as "Masterpieces of World Culture" which is recognized by UNESCO not only Java puppet but Indonesia puppet, including Bali puppet, puppet show Sunda, Lombok puppet, etc. The stories are played out story about gods, martial art, romance and heroism that the show is accompanied by gamelan music. The puppeteer in the puppet show is very good at bringing the emotional thrill audiences ranging from war to a funny story that brought the mastermind to make the audience laugh. Year 1950-1960's was the heyday puppet recognized Western researchers, as the most beautiful in the world of performing arts.

  2. Keris
    UNESCO declared Keris as "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" on November 25, 2005. Keris is a traditional weapon Indonesia are believed to contain supernatural powers. The kings of the archipelago makes heirloom dagger into a weapon. Keris has been used since the 9th century and is made with metal handles made of bone, horn or wood. Keris is made of quality metal. Ancient Keris even metal came from a meteor that felt to earth. The researchers said that the ancient dagger containing of a titanium metal new materials in the 20th century used as a coating material space vehicles, but it turns out the  keris makers have to find it first as a keris.

  3. Batik
    Indonesian Batik as the World Heritage. Batik is produced by the process of writing a picture or decoration in any medium by using hot wax using a canting. Batik is usually drawn on cotton and silk fabrics. Art of batik has been known since the time of Majapahit kingdom. According to Prof. Yohanes Surya, PhD, physicist Indonesia, Batik painting is about nature and dynamics. In contrast to the naturalist painter who paints nature exactly like what he saw, the creator of the batik painting in the side. Creator of batik seek archetype of a phenomenon he sees it. From this basic pattern coupled with a few simple rules, the batik creator can produce batik painting. It takes a genius to see patterns and look for this rule.

  4. Angklung
    Angklung is a musical instrument multitonal (dual pitched), which is traditionally grown in the Sundanese-speaking community in the western part of Java island. This musical instrument made of bamboo, sounded shaken by (the sound caused by the clash of bodies bamboo pipes) so as to produce the sound that vibrates in the arrangement of tones 2, 3, to 4 tones is every size, both large and small. Barrel (tone) musical instrument Angklung as Sundanese traditional music is mostly salendro and pelog. Angklung is listed as Masterpiece of Oral Heritage and Human Non hylic of UNESCO since November 2010.

  5. Saman Dance
    Saman dance is a tribal dance Gayo usually displayed to celebrate important events in customs. Saman dance uses poetry in Arabic and Gayo. Besides this dance usually also displayed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. In some literature mentions Saman dance of Aceh was founded and developed by Sheikh Saman, a scholar from the Gayo in Aceh.
    Saman dance is one dance that is quite unique, because they show only the applause of motion movements, such as rocking motion, kirep, lingang, surang-saring (all motion from Gayo language). Saman dance from Gayo Lues and surrounding areas in Aceh province officially recognized and included in the list of intangible cultural heritage that needs urgent protection of UNESCO, at the annual grand meeting.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

9 Facts Angry Birds

We all ready know the game Angry Birds, the birds will crash grumpy launched himself to destroy the pigs who stole their eggs directly or damaging the structures that protect it. However, whether you know the interesting facts about the Angry Birds following?
  1. Since 2003, Rovio Mobile has developed more than 50 games, with little success, before Rovio achieved remarkable success with Angry Birds. Rovio game Angry Birds is the 52nd which was launched in December 2009.
  2. According to game developer Rovio, Ville Heijari, swine flu epidemic in 2009 inspired Rovio to create the green pigs as a mortal enemy grumpy birds in Angry Birds.
  3. Angry Birds has been downloaded over 500 million times.
  4. Every day people around the world spend 200 million minutes playing Angry Birds.
  5. At first, Angry Birds was made by four programmers who takes 8 months to complete because it is a low priority for Rovio.
  6. Currently, Rovio employs more than 50 programmers and they make a level for the new Angry Birds all day - now there are more than 200 levels.
  7. The initial cost of making Angry Birds only need less than 100,000 Euros.
  8. Angry Birds has sold over 12 million copies in the App Store and 5 million copies on the PC platform.
  9. Peter Vesterbacka, creator of Angry Birds, lined up as the "Mighty Eagle"

The One Thing

Most Shining Fruit In The World

All we know is that shining light is electricity, fire, sun, etc. But it turns out there are tables of fruit that shines even dubbed the most shining friut in the world. This fruit is the fruit of Pollia condensata, a plant that grows to a height of less than half a meter in Ethiopia, Angola, and Mozambique. Round fruit shape, small with metallic colors like beads.

Special from his skin, bluish though, its actually has no blue pigment. Recent research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calls, instead of having the different sizes. Each individual cells produce a variety of colors, which makes it like painting Pointillism, a technique that is owned impressionist painter stringing point into a complete painting.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Most Unique And Beautiful Lakes In The World

An unusual scene in the Faroe Island, Denmark. Here there is a lake that is above the other lakes. This island is one of the beautiful places in the world which is also known as the scenery like a place in fairy tale. The island is located between Iceland and Norway. Surrounding waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

In the islands, there are Vagar Island has a unique lake. Leitisvatn its name, this is the largest lake in the Faroe Islands. From Amusing Planet, spacious lake is approximately 3.4 suare miles. That makes this unique lake is certainly because of the scenery. A cursory look, this lake has two flats as the water surface. One is under the surface with ample size and another one on it with a smaller size. It sounds a bit impossible, but that's what you can see here.

However it turns out, it was just an illusion. Too beatiful natural scenery in the lake Leitisvatn was always able to hypnotize each of its visitors. Overview of the lake is like a two-level, but when viewed closely ist's not. The lake is located just 30 meters above sea level is indeed divided by a hill. If you look from a higher position, it looks like the lake has two levels. This is because the shape of the hill about 100 meters high is a bit upright.

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7 Natural Wonders of The World's Most Bizarre

Marble Caves

  1. Marble Caves, Chile
    This cave was overgrown crystal the size of a 4 story building. Visitors can navigate down this cave by kayak when the water is calm.
  2. Strawberry Milkshake Lake, Senegal
    Don't imagine Retba Lake in Senegal is actually derived from the delicious drink. Colors like strawberry milkshake was formed because of the type Dunaliella salina algae plants that produce pink color. In addition, the salt content in the lake is very high Retba. So you can float when swimming in the lake.
  3. Poultice Horse Foot Canyon, Iceland
    Asbyrgi canyon Iceland feet shaped like horse hooves. Imagine standing on a cliff with a very wide canyon that lies before you, of course, very enjoyable.
  4. Salt Desert, Bolivia
    Plains of Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is the largest desert in the world. Moreover, many tourists visit Palacio de Sal, the hotel with 16 rooms made entirely of salt boulder.
  5. Travertine Pools at Pamukkale, Turkey
    The water that flows from the spring 17 has a high concentration of calcium carbonate. So it is well-known natural bathing pool believed to cure various diseases.
  6. Sailing Stone, Death Valley, USA
    No one believes that this move at Stone Sailing Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, California. But the fact is clear trail of evidence behind these rocks move along 700 meters of the point of origin.
  7. White Sandstone Statue (Sahara Desert), Egypt
    White stones round with a variety of shapes and sizes is located approximately 28 km north of the city of Egypt. This stones not made by the sculptor, but are formed due to wind gusts.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Protect Eyes from Computer Screen Damage

  • Adjust The Position
    Good position in determining the health of the eye. Starting from a distance, the position of a computer or laptop, to the position of the room. A common problem that occurs when a long stare at the computer screen is red and dry eyes. This happens because while working at the computer we blink less too moisturize the eyes.

    Try to keep your computer or laptop with a screen slightly below the eye position. This position does not make the eyes too wide open staring at the computer screen. Leave a gap between the monitor and the eye for comfortable working. Give at least a distance of 20-30cm for convenience staring at computer screens.

    The wall behind the monitor also plays an important role to reduce eyestrain. Avoid background or walls that are too bright or too crowded with motifs which can make it difficult to concentrate the eye on the computer screen. This make eyes tired because of the extra work.

  • Break
    All parts of the body would need time off. Likewise tired eyes staring at a computer screen work. Rub the palms of your hands until warm, then cover your eyes with both hands. Let your eyes closed in the dark for at least one minute. If possible, do it in a quiet room.

    20-20-20 general formula also applies to rest the eyes. Rest every 20 minutes, and then view something distance of approximately 20 meters for 20 seconds. That way, the eye could rest from the computer screen light and view at close range.

    Once in a while, massage around the eye area gently. Do the twist slowly to make the muscles around the eyes are more relaxed. Try to blink quite often in order to keep the eye moist, so as not to dry and irritated.

  • Set Comfort
    Often the eyes have to work harder because the settings are not right. While typing or reading, set in such a way so as not to make big letters should squinting eyes. Do not let the eyes have to work extra hard because of the front settings that are not comfortable. Read or write with large letters that are not comfortable can make eyes tired, tired body position of having to get closer to the screen, and a tense body.

    Try also organize workplaces with sufficient light. Work in places that are too bright can make eye irritation. While working in places that are so dark can make tired and damaged easily. Adjust your monitor light levels are comfortable.

  • Watch Out for Symptoms
    Don't underestimate the disturbing symptoms of eye relief. Avoid the more severe symptoms immediately consult a doctor. With eye disorders examined early, you can find the cause and make improvements to the source of the problem. If left too long, the damage may be difficult to restore it again.

    Consider some of these symptoms: blurry eyes while staring into places other than the computer screen, dry eyes, burning pain in the eyes, headaches, difficulty focusing or blurred vision when looking at a computer, dizzy eyes, and is difficult to read and focus on objects far away after staring at the computer. If any of these symptoms you are experiencing, it could not hurt to re-evaluate the position of your computer and work patterns. If after corrective eye still does not improve, you should consult with a physician related.

Wedding Dress Made Of Cake

Almost every girl has a dream wedding dress to wear when getting married later. So also with Hannah Millington-Day. At the age of 6 years, Millington-Day dream will wear a white dress like her mother, Donna, when first married. But Millington-Day would not waiting long to have it.

Assisted mother, Millington-Day made a wedding dress out of cookie dough. The white dress was a mini-sized, but the size of an adult body. The height was about 1.8 meters. Carving a kilogram of pasta scattered on the skirt with hundreds of pearl sugar, even some white flowers adorn the strappy dress, on the shoulder.

"This dress is made from 224 eggs, 12 pounds of flour, 12 pounds of sugar, and 12 pounds of butter", said Donna Millington-Day in the Mail Online, Friday, 1 February 2013. "And we have to bake it for a full week and put on 3 pounds of raspberry jam".

Donna Millington-Day are experts making cakes. Even since the last eight years, she has run the bakery Fairytale Cake Company. This dress cake itself is made up of 17 layers of sponge. Can eat two thousand people, the price is expected 6,000 pounds. Donna did not intend to sell it. "We will place it in a shop window," said the mother of two children

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Indonesian Traditional Snack

In addition to stunning natural beauty, Indonesia also known as the country's rich culinary taste. Although in modern times many emerging variety of international food, but the food traditionally still have a special place for the community. So many kinds of foods typical of traditionally over the place in this archipelago. Here are five traditional snacks and delectable delights.

  1. Klepon
    This traditional Indonesian food is included in the snacks market. You would often see him in the traditional market or even a five-star restaurant. Klepon made from glutinous rice flour shaped like small balls and stuffed with brown sugar. The green color on klepon usually obtained from a mixture of suji leaf water or food coloring.

  2. Onde-Onde
    This snacks contains processed green beans were sweet. Besides popular, onde-onde is very popular in the area Mojokerto. In fact, the city was dubbed as the city dumplings since the time of Majapahit. Not hard to find these delicious snacks in traditinal markets or in the center of souvenirs. You can also buy a variety of dumplings filled with a variety of flavor.

  3. Cenil
    Cenil has a unique flavor with a chewy texture. Traditional snacks are made from flour, water and salt. In the presentation, you can also beautify your appearance cenil by providing food coloring.

  4. Kue Lapis ( Layer Cake )
    This cake made of rice flour, starch, milk, sugar, salt and food coloring. Then compiled with the pattern of different colors, you can also find this cake with two color arrangement or even more. Therefore, a sticky cake named layer cake.

  5. Getuk
    Getuk word comes from the Javanese, the 'gethuk'. Cassava is the main ingredient of making getuk. You can enjoy the delights getuk by adding grated coconut on it. The food is usually easy to find in Central Java and East Java. When you are visiting the area Sukoraja in Banyumas, you need to buy souvenirs typical of there is getuk fried.